Loose Lips Sink Ships

I 1st published this post exactly a year ago. I’m republishing it as a tribute to Lemmy of Motorhead and how his music inspired and continues to inspire many… Looking back to see where I stand… Evolution… Evolution

Music Smells Like Noise


“Last summer we took threes across the board, but by fall we were a cover story now in stores”

You know how meeting someone who listens to and enjoys the same music as you feels like you’ve just met your long-lost brother or sister? that’s something I will never feel towards new Fall Out Boy fans. At least those that become fans because of their new music.

Evolution is a good thing for anyone and everyone and evolving for any artist should be a priority, unfortunately as the artist evolves, the listener wont always evolve with the artist or at least our taste for the art wont always evolve to be pleased by the artist once pleased by and with that, pulling the same note over and over inevitably bores the audience and that’s where taking risks comes in, it’s win or lose, both the artist and the fan simultaneously…

View original post 412 more words

About Ndumiso Mncwabe

When beautiful melodies tell us horrible things and grisly sounds tell us the kind truth. This is where life and music meet. They say music has the power to inspire change, I say music has the power to inspire vibes. Good vibes and bad vibes. It also has the power to inspire thoughts, but most importantly, for it to inspire change, it must inspire conversation. I smell music, I speak music. View all posts by Ndumiso Mncwabe

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