3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge Day 3

Sad, sad day… Yea, today is my last day for the challenge… haha! I’m being dramatic, I’ve really enjoyed participating and would like to once more humbly thank Anand of blabberwockying!  for the nomination.


Challenge rules

1. Post 3 consecutive days

2. You can pick one or three quotes per day

3. Challenge three different bloggers per day



Once again my quote today is something I’ve heard from a song… I chose this one for many reasons… One of them being my fascination with the universe and it’s wonders… how it takes care of itself… how life takes care of itself and how very little we know about it…


“Stomped by this disaster town, you put your eyes to the sun and say; I know you’re only blinding to keep back what the clouds are hiding”- Fall Out Boy

My Nominees today are…





About Ndumiso Mncwabe

When beautiful melodies tell us horrible things and grisly sounds tell us the kind truth. This is where life and music meet. They say music has the power to inspire change, I say music has the power to inspire vibes. Good vibes and bad vibes. It also has the power to inspire thoughts, but most importantly, for it to inspire change, it must inspire conversation. I smell music, I speak music. View all posts by Ndumiso Mncwabe

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