Tag Archives: Relationships

3 Day Quote Challenge Round 2! (Day 3)

Made it! Okay, almost… At least as soon as I click the publish button… Yeap David of Chape Personal Trainer  was kind enough to nominated me for the 3 day 3 quotes challenge and yea, today is the last day… Kinda sad… By the way, I’d like to thank David once more and yes I think his blog is pretty awesome, so go check it out! CHECK IT!

Challenge’s rules:

  1. Post three consecutive days.
  2. You can pick one or three quotes per day.
  3. Challenge three different bloggers per day.

We live in a time where time is money and everyone is using their time to make money… Chasing that dream and that billionaire status can sometimes consume us and who we are… We forget what’s important… And why we’re chasing these dreams in the 1st place… Today I’d like to share a quote I took from a song by The Kings of Leon titled “The Immortals”

“Spill out on the streets to start, ride away, find out what you are, face to face, Once you’ve had enough, carry on, don’t forget to love before you’re gone”

My nominees are:


