3 Day Quote Challenge Round 2! (Day 1)

Awesome. David of Chape Personal Trainer has nominated me for a challenge I really enjoy. I’d like to thank him for the nomination and yea, we’re a few weeks from trying to start or fulfil those new year’s resolutions and if being fit and healthy is one of those resolutions or if you just need to know how not to hurt yourself in the gym or need help with an injury Chape Personal Trainer is the place to go!

Challenge’s rules:

  1. Post three consecutive days.
  2. You can pick one or three quotes per day.
  3. Challenge three different bloggers per day.


Okay… I’ll try to make this as not awkward as possible… I really don’t know how to say it, so I’ll just say it… here goes;

Is it okay if I quote myself this time? Just this once? Will it be too weird? Okay.


A few years ago I was having a talk with a friend, she had passed out (fainted) earlier that day. She revealed that she had been trying out various (extreme) diets she also went on to tell me how insecure she was about her weight and how she knew what people thought of her…

It’s not just about our physical appearance, we try to fit in with the way we think, the way we speak and the things we have… We all have something, we all have someone. Unfortunately – fixated on what we think we need, we often overlook what we have.

To her I said

“The only people worth impressing are those that are already impressed”



My nominees are:





About Ndumiso Mncwabe

When beautiful melodies tell us horrible things and grisly sounds tell us the kind truth. This is where life and music meet. They say music has the power to inspire change, I say music has the power to inspire vibes. Good vibes and bad vibes. It also has the power to inspire thoughts, but most importantly, for it to inspire change, it must inspire conversation. I smell music, I speak music. View all posts by Ndumiso Mncwabe

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